Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday 17th February Food

This is my fridge, I need to do some grocery shopping as it is very empty! By the way it is only a bar fridge as I don't need any bigger (and I store alot in a chest freezer). I will not replace this until it is completely dead. Which by the way it tried to commit suicide mid January. Oh I wasn't blogging at the time so I will show you. It fell forward off a stand and the door broke off in the fall. I came home to this.

Breakfast: Nothing :(

 Lunch: Waldorf salad of 2 celery stalks, 1 apple, 4 walnuts, lemon, 1 tspoon mayo, plate of lemon tuna and carrot sticks.

 Snack: Smoothie of 2 milk ice cubes, 1/2 c water, 1/2 frozen banana, frozen strawberry, 1 spoon coconut, 2 spoons of oats.

Dinner: Home made cabbage soup from the freezer, 100gr off-the-bone ham, grilled mountain bread with 2 spoons grated cheese, glass of diet lemonade.

Wednesday 16th February Food

I wanted junk food from the second I woke up until the second I fell asleep. I didn't eat any junk food but refined carbs did get a look-in.
Breakfast: Off-the-bone ham, Burgen Rye, tomato, mushroom

 Lunch: 6 corn thins with vegemite and butter

 Lunch: Smoothie with 1/2 milk, 1/2 banana, 1 stawberry and LSA mix

 Snack: Seeds and 3 prunes

 Snack: Diet Lemonade with blended frozen fruit ice cubes

Dinner: 1 Chicken tenderloin, stir fry frozen veges, 1/3 cup(uncooked) Jasmine Rice and the very first of my pak-choi from the courtyard.

Midnight snack (unpictured) 2 pieces of Rye toast with peanut butter and honey

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Workout Wednesdays

I have made this really simple spreadsheet to record my workouts. It is easy to get stats for walking as I use my trusty Oregon pedometer. It is good quality as I have had a few cheap pedometers in the past that were useless. My other workouts are DVD's I have had lying around for some time, so I estimate the calories burnt for those workouts. A heart rate monitor would be more accurate however my thrifty sensibilities stops me from buying one. At this stage it is doing the workout itself that matters, not the gadgets that can tell me statistics.


Yoga stretch
Zumba basic

BL LowImpact

Week Total

I feel like I have built just enough fitness to launch into two full workouts a day, so this is my goal for this week.

Tuesday 15th February Food

Well I have had a busy day but I have made nutricious healthy food.

 Breakfast: Green smoothie with water, lettuce,1/2 frozen banana, pineapple, pear and oats

 Lunch: Carrot and celery sticks, salad topped with sesame seeds and a grilled mountain bread topped with one spoon of cheese.

 Afternoon Tea in my crazy little courtyard, with pear halves topped in oats, cinnamon, cloves and honey.

 Dinner: I revisited my pumpkin pizza as I was cooking for my Mum. I included a grilled mountain bread with butter and garlic and a salad.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bargain milk to freeze

The things I will do for a bargain! I found this milk for 29c, that is 94% off. It had one more day before expiry. So in the spirit of Joan, who is on the simple savings forum, I brought this sucker home and put it into ice-cube trays etc. and put it into the chest freezer. Ofcourse it has to be frozen in small amounts as when it defrosts it could go off quickly because it was so close to expiry.

 Because it is full cream organic milk when I take out little portions I will put it in the little jug you can see at the back of this photo and mix it with some water. I already do this so that is why i have my little milk jug.

All put in a bigger container for the freezer so they don't get lost. I haven't tried this before but Joan would probably pop the cubes out of their trays when they are frozen so the trays can keep being re-used. I might need to do this as I have all my trays full of blended fruit an now milk.

So if you don't hear from me again, I have died of food poising from my risky use of old milk! But what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday 14th February Food

As my cat is always jumping up on the table, I thought I would put a placemat down to eat. I need to take the placemat away though as shortly after clearing my plate, this is what I turned around to. My cat snugly snoozing on my placemat!

Breakfast: 2 eggs on Rye and veges
Late Lunch: Leftover frozen meal from the depths of the freezer, the last of the rocket, a mountain bread with a spoon of grated cheese grilled, handful of prunes. 

 Snack: 2 WizzFizz. Atleast they were only 50 calories each

Dinner: 2 chicken tenderloins with sliced veges thrown in the pan and topped with shallots, peppermint and lemon. Adding topping like these is really working flavour wise as there is no salt in this meal.

I am still hungry and I have a few sad pears that need to be eaten or blended and frozen. I am considering if it would work to halve one and microwave it with honey, cloves and cinnamon. Hmmmm....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday 13th February Food

 I had  a late breakfast post-workout: a smoothie of 1.5 cups light milk, 6 boysenberries, half frozen banana and two spoons of oats. I have modified my smoothies by only using half a banana and adding in the oats instead. It works out good, varies the nutrition. The main reason though is the cost of banana's.

Lunch: Frozen fish with a very zesty large salad with heaps of peppermint and coriander from the garden, greens, capsicum, grapes, a dash of balsamic, avocado oil and lemon. This salad was so very tasty, a real winner.

I have been craving pizza so badly and after thinking all day about what I could do with this lovely round pumpkin, I came up with the idea of making mini pizzas on pumpkin bases.

I kept the skin on, sprayed a bit of olive oil and cooked on a pizza stone for about 15 mins.

These are the topping ingredients ready to go. The off-the bone ham scraps are so useful. I have a container of them in the freezer and chip off a bit whenever I want to add a ham/bacon flavour to dishes. We got this one reduced several times and my Mum sliced it up to share.

Dinner: Pumpkin pizza!

mmmm... cheese. Part of my thriftyness is to buy full fat products and use half the amount I used to use with low-fat products. My whole adult life I have eaten low fat dairy at home. I am loving the taste of full fat, it is so much nicer and because of that you really can use so much less the the low fat variety. Particularly cheese. Why pay more for a watered down or skimmed product. I tried mixing full fat milk with water to make my own skim milk but you have to be very disciplined.

The skin on was good as it went crispy. the pumpkin was perfectly cooked and held together.

Saturday 12th February Food

Breakfast: Egg on Rye, zucchini, red capsicum, tomato, a few scraps of ham

Light Lunch: Greens, grapes, capsicum, pine nuts, lemon, balsamic.  Lunch was actually really yummy, the sweet crunchy grapes were great in a salad and really contrasted with the pin-nuts and shallots.

I microwaved some pumpkin and cut up the steak and fried them.

Early Dinner: Rocket salad, steak, pumpkin, topped with sun dried tomatoes and balsamic. I though I would really enjoy this but it wasn't that nice. The rocket was very overpowering. 

Snack: Straight after dinner I was still hungry so I had a cup if tea and a Rye crust with peanut butter and honey
Evening: Post-Workout banana and strawberry smoothie

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some of my meals

I have not posted as I got busy with assignment due (over a week ago I finished) and then dabbled with the idea of not blogging after reading a few other posts about people regretting exposing themselves. I think I know what I want though so I will edit out personal 'exposing' kind of posts. Here are some things I have eaten since I last posted. Many meals repeated themselves as I made batches. Some good and some bad foods there.