Thursday, December 30, 2010

Berry Green Smoothie and Frozen Fruit

I am getting back into green smoothies. Traditionally green smoothie is:

  1. water
  2. greens like lettuce, spinach, silver beet
  3. frozen banana 
The fruit combo's are endless, as long its has those three components above, it'll work. Its great to use leftover greens that are getting too limp. I am not a big fruit eater so it is a great way to get fruit, and cheaply as I buy fruit on big specials and freeze. I have bags and bags of fruit in my chest freezer. Banana's were 79c/kg at Aldi a while ago and I seriously bought 60 and skinned and froze them. Same with strawberries when they were 99c/punnet. I do buy the frozen mixed berries and blueberries when they are half price. Fruit lasts at least a year in my freezer, except banana does tend to brown and reduce in quality after 6 months.
Use First frozen fruit container, chopped bananas, stewed fruit in ice cube tray

Green smoothie: 1. Water and frozen banana and berries

2. lettuce and LSA

3. Blend with powerful stick mixer or in a blender

4. Drink straight away before enzymes deteriate

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