Thursday, April 7, 2011

Speeding up my Metabolism

I am absolutely done with losing weight so slowly. This post is a summary of what I have learnt elsewhere and what I have discovered by trial and error to speed up my metabolism and lose weight at a more appropriate rate. 

PCOS has really deadened my metabolism and endocrine system. This year I have eaten quite well (like thousands of calories less then I used to) and exercise two hours a day and get very small results. I do go offtrack sometimes and recently I just gave up for a week, ate badly and then started eating 'normally'. I dropped a couple of kilo's! Ofcourse I put it back on as I notice my body takes about a week to register if  I was good or bad a week ago. So anyway that probably doesn't make sense but I think my body was finally starting to respond. I always give up right on the precipice of succeeding with everything I do (like right now I am all of a sudden blogging when I was just getting the point of being ready to write an assignment due next week).

This is my system I have recently pulled together as I have had bits of success from these strategies, but haven't done it all together. I am expecting better weight loss results now:


  • I can't out-train a bad diet. I tried. It has to be both.
  • Exercise in the morning before breakfast to burn fat stores and again before dinner.
  • After warm-up, start out hard and then slow down. This way you kick you body from burning fuel to burning fat stores quicker and also burn a few more calories in your second part as its kind of like interval training, your go-hard burns through your go-slow. *tip from somewhere?*
  • Have mini excercise bursts throughout the day to fire up your metabolism. I have a mini-stepper. I could only do a minute at a time on it 2 months ago and now I do 5 minutes with some hand weight exercises. *This may have no scientific basis as I have come up with the idea myself as I figure if interval training works then there must be some small benefit from firing up even if you go back to your resting pulse rate 3 minutes later.*


  • Eat less. Though I am large and think I can sneak in more food because I use more caolries then the next person, I can't. Due to my lifelong PCOS and pre-diabetic insulin resistance, I am physically metabolically and endocrinalogically  programmed to hold on to all this damn weight now that I have it. And that is science.
  • To eat less and walk the line of not going into 'starvation mode' or ketosis (where metabolically this is just not good) eat regularly, with more protein and less carbs.
So I eat 4ish times a day  and I tend to eat the same foods pepared in lots of different ways. I eat:

  • Oats, low fat milk, LSA, banana, blueberries and strawberries as smoothies, porridge.
  • Vegetables - zucchini, red capsicum, carrot, silverbeet, spinach, lettuce, rocket, tomatoes and mushrooms in a variety of ways like omelettes, garden salads, grilled, stuffed.
  • Eggs, Chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, a few nuts or sprouted legumes as a protein component of every meal, even if its a really small amount.
  • Soups made of veges and legumes, chickpeas etc.
  • Apples, pineapple or other seasonal fruit
  • Flat bread and occasionally rice
My favourite meals have become waldorf salad, pizza (under 100 calories for a wholegrain flat bread, tomato paste, lots of herbs and veges, and yes a spattering of full fat mozzarella cause you have to use so little of it to get the flavour) and stuffed veges.

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